
We are a traditional small press, royalty-paying, boutique publisher. Our authors are contracted for 2-3 years, earn quarterly royalties for all book sales, and are personally involved in every step of the publishing process.

Destiny Whispers Publishing has global distribution for all books. We are contracted through Ingram Global Book Distribution for all printed works, Amazon for Kindle books, and Smashwords for general E-books.

Our authors do not pay to publish. We are not a hybrid or vanity press. Destiny Whispers Publishing is considered a boutique publisher. We only choose manuscripts we believe in and feel strongly about putting our name behind, to represent our company.

Prior to offering a contract we read the manuscript, communicate by email, and finally conduct an hour-long Zoom conference with the potential author.

Why so personal? Cooperative efforts to produce the finest book possible within a small company require a positive working relationship, mutual respect, and willingness to compromise in order to achieve superior results. Leslie Stuart interviews every potential author.

Due to summertime activities with family, we are not accepting manuscript submissions at this time. Submissions will be open again in September.

Thank you!

Our Writing Criteria

Very Important PLEASE READ!!

We do not accept extreme horror, barbaric or cruel erotica, excessive brutality, or explicit situations with minors. We do not edit or produce any Work containing hate crimes, crimes against children, cruelty to animals or overt prejudice acts of any kind.

Thank you for respecting our ethics and standards!

Author Manuscript Inquiry Form

All submissions will be reviewed in September.

After evaluating we will email a reply. If interested, a SECURE LINK will be sent to upload your first TWO CHAPTERS only. For poetry, children's books, biographies, etc, we will request other appropriate samples to review.

Your manuscript MUST be complete and self-edited, ready for professional review. No concept proposals or raw draft inquiries.

If intrigued, we will request your complete manuscript in MS WORD format. Instructions will be included. Reading time varies. If your Work captivates our attention, we will schedule a Zoom conference. Informal, business casual.

You get to know Leslie, and she can meet you.